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Biggensmol is a small puzzle platformer created by myself and one other over 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2022 where the theme was Duality.

The player can control two characters, one big and one small, and must collect both keys and reach the exit to complete each level.


The big character moves slower, weighs more, and cannot jump; but is not affected by hazards such as fans.

The small character moves much faster and can jump, but is susceptible to fans etc.




Some of the interesting parts of the project I worked on.

Alongside my programming contributions to this project, I was also responsible for the level designs.


Character Controllers / Character Switching

I developed the platformer controllers for both characters as well as the system for switching between the two. For the controllers, I made use of Unity's scriptable objects for storing character attributes when structuring the code to allow for maximum modularity in the controllers and easier fine-tuning.

Moving Platforms/Pressure Plates

I developed the functionality for the pressure plates and moving platforms, ensuring that the combined weights of the entities on the plate affects the output where applicable. Meaning that a moving platform with 3 possible height levels can reach each one using different combinations of weights from each character and the pushable blocks.



Originally I had developed a more complex system for the fans where the closer to the source, the stronger the fan's influence. However for simplicity within the scope of the jam I opted to instead use the fans to move entities to the end of the wind shaft from their entry point in the trigger area. This allowed for more consistent results in-game and meant a higher degree of overall polish was possible within the time constraints. 

Doors & Keys

I was also responsible for implementing the key system to ensure that each key could only be picked up by their respective character, and that they could not enter the door (next level) until both keys were collected and both characters were present within the trigger area.



Here you can find some screenshots of the game.

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